

The marketplace wishes to retrieve the IDs of ESPDs meeting a number of criteria (ID_consultation, SIRET OE,...)



Header parameters

DataFormatOptional / mandatory
Content - TypeVarcharMandatory

Header example:
curl -v -X POST --insecure --cert xxxxx.pem -d "{}"
The braces frame the JSON.


Complete description of the API’s input and output parameters

Input parameterMandatory/ Optional (M/O)Management rule
typeIdPlateformeOThe values for « type d’ID plateforme demandeuse » (which means "requesting platform ID type") are:
- « 1 » (Third party with SIRET number)
- « 2 » (European structure outside of France) – intracommunity VAT
- « 3 » (Structure outside of the EU) – Country code + first 16 corporate name characters
- « 4 » (RIDET)
- « 5 » (Tahiti Number)
idPlateformeMThe ID format of the platform is controled:
- If « identification type » is « 1 » : 14 characters
- If « identification type » is « 2 » : 18 characters maximum (1 to 18 characters)
- If « identification type » is « 3 » : 3 to 18 characters
- If « identification type » is « 4 » : 9 ou 10 characters
- If « identification type » is « 5 » : « 9 » characters
- If « identification type » is not provided, it is deemed to be a SIRET: 14 characters
idTechniquePlateformeM ID available on the Chorus Pro "connection" space.
rsDemandeurMName of the entity which makes the request on the place (Corporate name)
idDemandeurMThe idDemandeur (which means "requester ID") corresponds to the SIRET number or functional identifier of economic operator that makes the request on the marketplace. The requesting identifier can be the same as the economic operator's functional identifier. - 1 to 18 characters
Call for tenders
idConsultationOCall for tenders ID, coming from the platform making the request for the recording of the ESPD
If the lot id parameter is given, the call for tenders parameter becomes mandatory; if not, the following message is returned in the answer to the service:
- The server cannot process the request: the lot parameter being present, the idConsultation ("call for tenders id") becomes necessary.
dateCreationDebutO1/ If a starting date is in the search criteria with no ending date, the shown occurences are those that are after this date, this date included (> or =)
2/ YYYY-MM-DDTHH :MM :SS format
dateCreationFinO1/ If a starting date is in the search criteria with no ending date, the shown occurences are those that are after this date, this date included (> or =)
2/ YYYY-MM-DDTHH :MM :SS format
dateModificationDebutO1/ If a starting date is in the search criteria with no ending date, the shown occurences are those that are after this date, this date included (> or =)
2/ YYYY-MM-DDTHH :MM :SS format
dateModificationFinO1/ If a starting date is in the search criteria with no ending date, the shown occurences are those that are after this date, this date included (> or =)
2/ YYYY-MM-DDTHH :MM :SS format
typeMarketOType of Contract
Label Code status:
« 01 » - Works
« 02 » - Supplies
« 03 » - Service
natureMarketOContract nature
Label Code status:
« 01 » - Contract (original contract)
« 02 » - Partnership contract
« 03 » - Framework agreement
typeProcedureOLabel Code status:
« 01 » - adapted procedure
« 02 » - Open call for tenders
« 03 » - Closed call for tenders
« 04 » - competitive procedure with negotiation
« 05 » - negotiated procedure with prior call for competition
« 06 »- contract negotiated with no advertising nor prior call for competition
« 07 » - competitive dialogue
« 08 »- Competition
« 09 » - Other
refFonctionnelleOSame reference as in the ESPD
-Lot"lots":[{"idNumeroRecherche":"", ETC }],
idLotOIf the "id lot" parameter is given, the call for tenders parameter becomes mandatory; if not, the following message is returned in the answer to the service:
- The server cannot process the request: the "lot" parameter is present, the "Id consultation" parameter becomes necessary.
dateCreationDebutO1/ Starting date
If a starting date is in the search criteria with no ending date, the shown occurences are those that are after this date, this date included (> or =)
2/ RG18 DLRO YYYY-MM-DDTHH :MM :SS date format
dateCreationFinO1/ If a starting date is in the search criteria with no ending date, the shown occurences are those that are after this date, this date included (> or =)
2/ YYYY-MM-DDTHH :MM :SS format
dateModificationDebutO1/ Starting date
If a starting date is in the search criteria with no ending date, the shown occurences are those that are after this date, this date included (> or =)
2/ RG18 DLRO YYYY-MM-DDTHH :MM :SS date format
dateModificationFinO1/ If a starting date is in the search criteria with no ending date, the shown occurences are those that are after this date, this date included (> or =)
2/ YYYY-MM-DDTHH :MM :SS format
identifiantAOid Acheteur ("Buyer id")
Alphanumeric (14 characters)
dateCreationDebutO1/ Starting date
If a starting date is in the search criteria with no ending date, the shown occurences are those that are after this date, this date included (> or =)
2/ RG18 DLRO YYYY-MM-DDTHH :MM :SS date format
dateCreationFin O1/ If a starting date is in the search criteria with no ending date, the shown occurences are those that are after this date, this date included (> or =)
2/ YYYY-MM-DDTHH :MM :SS format
dateModificationDebutO1/ Starting date
If a starting date is in the search criteria with no ending date, the shown occurences are those that are after this date, this date included (> or =)
2/ RG18 DLRO YYYY-MM-DDTHH :MM :SS date format
dateModificationFinO1/ If a starting date is in the search criteria with no ending date, the shown occurences are those that are after this date, this date included (> or =)
2/ YYYY-MM-DDTHH :MM :SS format
Identifiant fonctionnelO-
-Dume A (Buyer ESPD)"dumesAcheteurs":[{"idDume":"", ETC }]
idDumeOFunctional ESPD ID - 8 random alphanumeric characters
idStatutDumeOLabel Code Status
- « 1 » : Draft
- « 2 » : Validated
- « 3 » : Replaced

If the place wishes to replace an ESPD, it puts the new ESPD's XML as input parameter with the ID of the ESPD to replace and status « 3 ». The new ESPD is generated in status « 2 »
dateCreationDebutO1/ Starting date
If a starting date is in the search criteria with no ending date, the shown occurences are those that are after this date, this date included (> or =)
2/ RG18 DLRO YYYY-MM-DDTHH :MM :SS date format
O1/ If a starting date is in the search criteria with no ending date, the shown occurences are those that are after this date, this date included (> or =)
2/ YYYY-MM-DDTHH :MM :SS format
O1/ Starting date
If a starting date is in the search criteria with no ending date, the shown occurences are those that are after this date, this date included (> or =)
2/ RG18 DLRO YYYY-MM-DDTHH :MM :SS date format
dateModificationFinO1/ If a starting date is in the search criteria with no ending date, the shown occurences are those that are after this date, this date included (> or =)
2/ YYYY-MM-DDTHH :MM :SS format
-DUME OE (Economic Operator ESPD)-
idDumeOFunctional ESPD ID - 8 random alphanumeric characters
idStatutDumeOLabel Code Status
- « 1 » : Draft
- « 2 » : Validated
- « 3 » : Replaced

If the place wishes to replace an ESPD, it puts the new ESPD's XML as input parameter with the ID of the ESPD to replace and status « 3 ». The new ESPD is generated in status « 2 »
dateCreationDebutO1/ Starting date
If a starting date is in the search criteria with no ending date, the shown occurences are those that are after this date, this date included (> or =)
2/ RG18 DLRO YYYY-MM-DDTHH :MM :SS date format
dateCreationFinO1/ If a starting date is in the search criteria with no ending date, the shown occurences are those that are after this date, this date included (> or =)
2/ YYYY-MM-DDTHH :MM :SS format
dateModificationDebutO1/ Starting date
If a starting date is in the search criteria with no ending date, the shown occurences are those that are after this date, this date included (> or =)
2/ DLRO YYYY-MM-DDTHH :MM :SS date format
dateModificationFinO1/ If a starting date is in the search criteria with no ending date, the shown occurences are those that are after this date, this date included (> or =)
2/ YYYY-MM-DDTHH :MM :SS format
ID opérateur économiqueOThe Economic Operator ID corresponds to the economic operator's identifier under which the ESPD is submitted.
- If « identification type » is « 1 » : 14 characters
- If « identification type » is « 2 » : 18 characters maximum (1 to 18 characters)
- If « identification type » is « 3 » : 3 to 18 characters
- If « identification type » is « 4 » : 9 ou 10 characters
- If « identification type » is « 5 » : « 9 » characters
- If « identification type » is not provided, it is deemed to be a SIRET: 14 characters
O1/ Starting date
If a starting date is in the search criteria with no ending date, the shown occurences are those that are after this date, this date included (> or =)
2/ RG18 DLRO YYYY-MM-DDTHH :MM :SS date format
O1/ If a starting date is in the search criteria with no ending date, the shown occurences are those that are after this date, this date included (> or =)
2/ YYYY-MM-DDTHH :MM :SS format
O1/ Starting date
If a starting date is in the search criteria with no ending date, the shown occurences are those that are after this date, this date included (> or =)
O1/ If a starting date is in the search criteria with no ending date, the shown occurences are those that are after this date, this date included (> or =)
2/ YYYY-MM-DDTHH :MM :SS format


WARNING: The solution sends back ESPDs whose accessibility is set on true but also on false. It is up to the marketplaces not to make the Buyer ESPDs whose accessibility is set on false visible to the economic operators.

"plateforme":{ "typeIdPlateforme" : "1" , "idPlateforme": "33592022900036", "idTechniquePlateforme":"azerty"},




"plateforme":{ "typeIdPlateforme" : "1" , "idPlateforme": "33592022900036", "idTechniquePlateforme":"azerty"},



"consultations":[{"idConsultation":"12345678901236","dateCreationDebut":"2015-07-05T19:04:17.413Z","dateCreationFin":"2015-07-05T19:04:17.413Z", "dateModificationDebut":"2018-07-05T19:04:17.413Z", "dateModificationFin":"2018-07-05T19:04:17.413Z", "typeMarket":"01", "natureMarket":"01", "typeProcedure":"01", "refFonctionnelle":"123456789012345678901234567809"}],

"lots":[{"idNumeroRecherche":"1234567890123456789", "dateCreationDebut":"2015-07-05T19:04:17.413Z","dateCreationFin":"2015-07-05T19:04:17.413Z", "dateModificationDebut":"2018-07-05T19:04:17.413Z", "dateModificationFin":"2018-07-05T19:04:17.413Z"}],

"identifiantsA":[{"identifiantA":"33592022900036", "dateCreationDebut":"2015-07-05T19:04:17.413Z","dateCreationFin":"2015-07-05T19:04:17.413Z", "dateModificationDebut":"2018-07-05T19:04:17.413Z", "dateModificationFin":"2018-07-05T19:04:17.413Z"}],

"plateformeRecherche":{ "typeIdPlateforme" : "1" , "idPlateforme": "33592022900036", "idTechniquePlateforme":"azerty"},

"dumesAcheteurs":[{"idDume":"ii12dfs9", "idStatutDume":"02","dateCreationDebut":"2015-07-05T19:04:17.413Z","dateCreationFin":"2018-07-05T19:04:17.413Z", "dateModificationDebut":"2017-02-05T19:04:17.413Z", "dateModificationFin":"2019-07-05T19:04:17.413Z"}],

"dumesOE":[{"idDume":"ii12dfs9", "idStatutDume":"02","dateCreationDebut":"2015-07-05T19:04:17.413Z","dateCreationFin":"2018-07-05T19:04:17.413Z", "dateModificationDebut":"2017-02-05T19:04:17.413Z", "dateModificationFin":"2019-07-05T19:04:17.413Z"}],

"identifiantsOE":[{"identifiantOE":"11111111169696"},"dateCreationDebut":"2015-07-05T19:04:17.413Z","dateCreationFin":"2015-07-05T19:04:17.413Z", "dateModificationDebut":"2018-07-05T19:04:17.413Z", "dateModificationFin":"2018-07-05T19:04:17.413Z" ]

 "response": {
 "responsesRecherche": {
 "1": {
 "consultation": {
 "Id": "14741504",
 "referenceFonctionnelle": "consultalalala",
 "idTypeProcedure": "01",
 "idNatureMarket": "01",
 "idTypeMarket": "01"
 "lot": {
 "numeroLot": "0"
 "Opérateur Economique": {
 "identifiant": "125478"
 "Dume OE": {
 "dumeOEId": "sbvbrdnj",
 "statutDume": "VALIDE",
 "accessible": true,
 "Date de création": "2018-05-18 11:54:43",
 "Date de modification": "2018-05-18 11:54:43"
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