


This function enables the buyer profile to know the list of the referentials present in the ESPD Service. This function is therefore to favor when only some data need modifying, for example contract identification data.



Header parameters

DataFormatOptional / mandatory
Content - TypeVarcharMandatory

Header example:
curl -v -X POST --insecure --cert xxxxx.pem https://api.aife.economie.gouv.fr/dume/referentiels -d "{}"

The braces frame the JSON.


Complete description of the API’s input and output parameters

Input parameterMandatory (M) / Optional (O)Management rule
typeIdPlateformeOThe values for « type d’ID plateforme demandeuse » (which means "requesting platform ID type") are:
- « 1 » (Third party with SIRET number)
- « 2 » (European structure outside of France) – intracommunity VAT
- « 3 » (Structure outside of the EU) – Country code + first 16 corporate name characters
- « 4 » (RIDET)
- « 5 » (Tahiti Number)
idPlateformeM1/ The ID format of the platform is controled:
- If « identification type » is « 1 » : 14 characters
- If « identification type » is « 2 » : 18 characters maximum (1 to 18 characters)
- If « identification type » is « 3 » : 3 to 18 characters
- If « identification type » is « 4 » : 9 ou 10 characters
- If « identification type » is « 5 » : « 9 » characters
- If « identification type » is not provided, it is deemed to be a SIRET: 14 characters
2/ The platform's technical ID and the platform's ID must exist in database and be positioned on the same line as this database
idTechniquePlateformeM1/ ID available on the Chorus Pro "connection" space. The technical ID corresponds to the partner application code contained in the connection form.
2/ The platform's technical ID and the platform's ID must exist in database and be positioned on the same line as this database
idDemandeurMThe idDemandeur (which means "requester ID") corresponds to the SIRET number or functional identifier of the public entity that makes the request on the marketplace.
rsDemandeurMName of the entity which makes the request on the place (Corporate name)

"operation": "listerReferentiels",
"rsDemandeur": "AIFE",
"idDemandeur": "12345698765445",
"plateforme": { "typeIdPlateforme": "1" , "idPlateforme":"33592022900036", "idTechniquePlateforme":"azerty"}

"response": {
"messageList": [
"type": "INFO",
"code": "INFO_REF_MSG",
"message": "Liste des référentiel"
"listeReferentiels": [
"nom": "REF_TYPE_ID",
"commentaire": "REFERENTIEL TYPE ID"
] }

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