Analyse answers


This feature makes it possible to compare a Buyer ESPD (ID or XML) with a maximum of 09 Economic Operator ESPD (ID or XML).

It allows a buyer to easily know if respondents meet the exclusion, selection and restriction criteria requested by the buyer in his ESPD.


  • Exclusion criteria

If an operator has reported to be affected by one or more exclusion criteria, then a red cross is valued for this economic operator.

  • Selection criteria

Each selection criterion requested by the buyer is detailed. If the economic operator does not respect the selection criterion, then a red cross appears. When the economic operator complies with a selection criterion that uses encrypted data, then the latter are valued. Example: turnover, number of frames, ratios.

  • Restriction criteria

It is possible for an economic operator to indicate that he respects the restriction criteria, according to certain types of procedure. It should be noted that the buyer did not necessarily request this criterion since the Buyer ESPD does not allow him to indicate if he solicits them.

Output parameter

JSON out with the selection criteria requested by the buyer or error message


"operation": "analyserReponses",
"plateforme": {
"typeIdPlateforme": "1",
"idPlateforme": "33592022900036",
"idTechniquePlateforme": "azerty" },
"rsDemandeur": "AIFE",
"idDemandeur": "12345678901234",
"dumeA": { "idDume" : "gsvwcuft"},
"dumesOE": [
{"occurence":"1","idDume": "sphksp7s" },
{"occurence":"2","idDume": "ibvaakhh" }
] }

"response": {
"consultation": {
"idDumeA": "gsvwcuft",
"consultId": "86880437347648",
"refFonctionnelle": "Dume A - US115",
"lots": "0"
"OEs": [
"occurence": "1",
"identifiant": "49897635600036",
"idDumeOE": "sphksp7s",
"qualite": "MANDATAIRE"
"occurence": "2",
"identifiant": "71543672094778",
"idDumeOE": "ibvaakhh",
"qualite": "MANDATAIRE"
"Partie3": {
"CandidatsFautifs": [
"occurence": "1",
"libelle": "OK"
"occurence": "2",
"libelle": "OK"
] },
"Partie4": {
"candidats": [
"occurence": "1",
"values": [
"499efc97-2ac1-4af2-9e84-323c2ca67747#Chiffre d’affaires annuel général#false",
"1f49b3f0-d50f-43f6-8b30-4bafab108b9b#Effectifs moyens annuels#false"
] },
"occurence": "2",
"values": [
"499efc97-2ac1-4af2-9e84-323c2ca67747#Chiffre d’affaires annuel général#false",
"1f49b3f0-d50f-43f6-8b30-4bafab108b9b#Effectifs moyens annuels#false"
] }
] },
"Partie5": {
"candidats": [
"occurence": "1"
"occurence": "2"
] },
"analyserReponsesData": "DOCUMENT UUENCODE"






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