

The Buyer ESPD API's "recupererModelDume" ("retrieve ESPD Model") method enables the marketplace to retrieve the template of a completely blank Buyer ESPD.



Header parameters

DataFormatOptional / mandatory
Content - TypeVarcharMandatory

Header example:

curl -v -X POST --insecure --cert xxxxx.pem -d "{}"

The braces frame the JSON.

Complete description of the API's input and output parameters

Input parameters:

Input parameterOptional (O) / Mandatory (M)Management rule
operationMconstant = recupererModelDume
typeIdPlateformeOThe values for « type d’ID plateforme demandeuse » ("requesting platform ID type") are:
- « 1 » (Third party with SIRET)
- « 2 » (European Structure outside of France) – intercommunity VAT
- « 3 » (Structure outside of the EU) – Country code + first 16 corporate name characters
- « 4 » (RIDET)
- « 5 » (Tahiti number)
idPlateformeM1/ Functional Id of the buyer profile which requested the connection
2/ The ID format of the platform is controled:
- If « identification type » is « 1 » : 14 characters
- If « identification type » is « 2 » : 18 characters maximum (1 to 18 characters)
- If « identification type » is « 3 » : 3 to 18 characters
- If « identification type » is « 4 » : 9 ou 10 characters
- If « identification type » is « 5 » : « 9 » characters
- If « identification type » is not provided, it is deemed to be a SIRET: 14 characters
3/ The platform's technical ID and the platform's ID must exist in database and be postioned on the same line as this database
idTechniquePlateformeM1/ ID available on the Chorus Pro "connection" space. The technical ID corresponds to the partner application code contained in the connection form.
2/ The platform's technical ID and the platform's ID must exist in database and be postioned on the same line as this database

Output parameters: Buyer ESPD XML, UUENCODE inbase 64

"operation" : "recupererModelDume",
"plateforme": { "idPlateforme": "33592022900036", "idTechniquePlateforme":"azerty" }
"response": {
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