
Definition :

Each legal entity is uniquely identified in Chorus Pro portal as a « structure ».

1 structure = 1 legal entity identified either by its SIRET (French ID number for businesses or associations) or another identifier type for suppliers :

  • European structure outside France
  • Non-EU structure
  • Structure with RIDET
  • Structure with TAHITI number
  • Private individual

- There are as many structures as legal entities managing invoices.

- A structure is unique even if the structure concerned is either an invoice issuer or recipient (case of public structures).

To access to the different Chorus Pro portal applications, the user must be connected to the structure on which behalf he acts.

The first step is to connect to the portal.

If you do not have a valid attachment to a structure, you will see a pop-up window with the possible action "Create a new structure". Click on the button to be redirected to the "Create a new structure" application.

If you have a valid attachment to a structure, follow the steps below to create a new structure from the "Create a new structure" application.

Click on the « Organisation » domain.

Then select the « Structures » domain.

In this domain, all applications regarding the structure creation and management are available.

To create a structure, click on « Create a structure » application, « Access service » button.

Select the type of identifier in the dropdown list (1).

If the structure has a SIRET :

  • Enter the SIRET number in the field “Identifier”.
  • Click on the field outside to update automatically.

Chorus Pro portal then checks that the SIRET exists in the INSEE database (French Statistics Institute) and that this SIRET is active.

If the entered SIRET corresponds to an entity with a “Closed” status in the INSEE database, it cannot be created in Chorus Pro.

If the structure does not have a SIRET :

  • Select the type of identifier from the drop-down list.
  • Fill in the information according to the input instructions (see following table),
  • Click on the field outside to update automatically.



Headquarters Identifier type Information to be filled in Automatic creation of the identifier by Chorus Pro in case it is not required
European Union (outside France) European structure outside France Enter the identifier with the intra-community VAT number
Extra-community (outside the European Union and France) Structure outside the EU Fill in the country and the corporate name Code of the selected county (in 2 characters) + 16 first characters of the corporate name (without any space)
New Caledonia Structure with RIDET Enter the RIDET in the Identifier field (9 or 10 digits are expected).
French Polynesia Structure with TAHITI number Enter the TAHITI number in the Identifier field (6 digits are expected)
Particular Particular Fill in the Identifier field oin 10 characters :

-Rank 1 : sex (1 for men and 2 for women)

-Rank 2 and 3 : the two last digits of the birth date

-Rank 4 and 5 : the two digits of the month birth date

-Rank 6 and 10 : INSEE official geographical code of the place of birth. Fill in as well the Name and the Fist name


In the “General information” section :

The type of identifier and the identifier are pre-filled from the information entered in the previous screen.


  • Complete the corporate name if it was not filled in the previous step (usually it is the case of companies registered by their intra-Community VAT number, their TAHITI or RIDET number) (2).
  • Complete the optional information :
    • Structure label (to possibly complete the Corporate name)
    • Email address (informative address that is not used for notifications and is managed at the user level - see guide “Manage your account”.
    • RCS number (Trade and Companies Register) : if this area is filled in, it will be automatically displayed in the  ICT refunds requests (agricultural professions).


If you have asked the INSEE to keep your SIRET confidential, the information of your structure (address, postal code, city and country) will be masked in order to respect your wish for confidentiality.

For other types of structure (3), fill in the following fields :

  • Address
  • Supplement address 1 and 2
  • Zip code
  • Country
  • Phone number
  • Fax

Click on « Submit » button to validate the creation.

If the structure already exist in the Chorus Pro portail, the following message will be displayed  « This structure is already present in Chorus Pro ». You can only send a request to its manager to be connected to this structure.

Definition :

The purpose of creating services within a structure is to :

  • Distribute work within the same organization
  • Restrict users’ authorizations to a given area.


Principle :

It is not mandatory to add services to your structure to send invoices.

Each service is identified with a code and a label.

  • There cannot be two services with the same code within the same structure.
  • The definition of codes and labels is the responsibility of each entity.
  • The same service code (same coding) can nevertheless be created on several different structures.

Click on the “Create a service” button :

A new page appears in order to complete the new service informations.

Select your structure in the dropdown list (1), then complete

In the “General information” section (2) :

  • Service Code (maximum 100 characters)
  • Service title
  • Description

In the “Parameters” section (3) :

  • Validity start date (mandatory) : defines the date from which the service will be active.
  • End of validity date : defines the date from which the service will not be active.

Click on « Submit » button  (4) to validate the creation.


The addition of bank details in the structure form allows the supplier to indicate into which bank account he wishes to be paid. It is not mandatory.

It allows to :

  • Share easily bank account details with the public entity ;
  • Avoid errors when typing the bank account details.

Please take note that French public accountants are only authorized to pay the due amounts to the bank account which as been registered on the business contract. Therefore, I you chance to indicate any other account number on your bills, it will be disregarded, unless you update the contract with the new bak account beforehand. This policy has been established to prevent « CEO scams ».

Click on the « Create bank details » button.

Fields to complete are :

  • Name : the name that allows you to identify the bank account ;
  • Customer account : select the structure ;
  • Type : select the bank account type;
  • Country : select your bank account country ;
  • Basic Bank Account Number BBAN ;
  • IBAN key ;
  • BIC or SWIFT ;

You must attach your bank account details as a file.

Click on « Submit » button to validate.

Factoring is the process to transfering a commercial debt to a professional called a « factor », « factoring compagny » or « affactureur », who will then claim the payments for himself.

The transfer of receivables to a factor takes place within the framework of a subrogation.

The following subrogative mention must be specified on the briefs, invoices, and work situations


« Règlement à l'ordre de (indication de la société de factoring) à lui adresser directement (adresse, numéro de téléphone, numéro du compte courant bancaire ou postal). Elle le reçoit par subrogation dans le cadre du contrat de factoring. Elle devra être avisée de toute demande de renseignements ou réclamations. »

When entering the invoice, if the factor's bank references are selected, the latter's details appear in the "factor" box. Filling in the subrogative statement must be done directly in the "Comment" field.


The factor bank account details are to be complete in the followings fields :

  • Affactureur - Name ;
  • Affactureur - Country ;
  • Affactureur – Type Identifiant ;
  • Affactureur - Identifiant

Adding attachments to the structure form allows connected users to access them and quickly attach them when entering or submitting an invoice, a justice costs invoice or an ICT refund request on the portal.

To add an attachment, click on “Create an attachment” (max size : 10MB). Attachments will be available to all users.

  • Click on the dropdown list to select your structure (1)
  • Click on « Add attachments » then select your attachment on your computer (2).
  • Your file appears (3) Après quelques instants de chargement, le document ajouté apparait (3). Il est possible en cliquant sur ‘l’icône’ crayon de modifier le nom de la pièce jointe.
  • Click on « Submit » button to validate (4)

Your structure is created, you are able to manage the structure information. You can :

  • Consult / search an organisation
  • Modify an organisation
  • Activate an organisation
  • Update thanks to the INSEE data
  • Deactivate an organisation

You can find more details on the link : Manage structures, Manage users

The billing mandate is a mandatory prerequisite for creating invoices directly on Chorus Pro (it is not necessary in case of submitting invoices, sending them via or entering invoices related to legal costs). It is a contract by which a person, the principal, gives another person, the agent, the power to carry out one or more legal actions in his name and on his behalf.

As part of Chorus Pro, the billing mandate allows the State to issue dematerialized tax invoices on behalf of the supplier. Signing the mandate on line is offered in order to simplify the process.

Click on « Billing » domain

Then click on « Underwrite a billing mandate » application.

  • Click on the dropdown list to select your structure
  • Complete the mandat’s name

The “Adress details” and “Signatory” sections are pre-filled with the information existing in Chorus Pro and are not editable.

Click on « Submit » button to validate.


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Last Update: January 24, 2024  

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