

The “Data flow overview” area allows structures issuing incoming flows in Chorus Pro to follow the progress of their status.
You can consult flow monitoring dashboards and view a specific flow.

It is possible to :

  1. View and download the list of flows sent to Chorus Pro to the structure
  2. View and download the integration report for a specific flow
  3. Access a flow monitoring dashboard


This area is for partners who deposits flows on Chorus Pro. It is therefore :

  • EDI : The last player of an EDI chain
  • API : Players who deposits in API mode via the service exposed deposerFluxFacture
  • Portail : Players who deposits in xml flows on the portal

A flow can be :

  Sent through EDI : 

  • The issuing structure has made a connection request to Chorus Pro and has a type « AAA999 » Partner Code.
  • The structure can submit invoices for different issuing structures (case of electronic invoicing providers).

Deposited through API :

  • The issuing structure has made a connection request to Chorus Pro and has a technical user.
  • The structure deposits flows on the portal through the service exposed deposerFluxFacture.
  • The structure can submit invoices for different issuing structures without specific authorisation (case of electronic invoicing provider).

  Deposited in Portal mode

  • An agent authorised on the portal deposits an .xml file via one of the tab allowing the invoice submission.

Flow route to Chorus Pro

Scope and prerequisites

  • All structures (public or private) can configure the “Data flow overview” area.


  • However, in order to view data in this area, it is necessary to directly deposit at least one incoming data flow on Chorus Pro.


Please note :

  • All users authorised on the structure and the « Data flow overview » area will be able to view all the flows the structure deposited.
  • The service exposed consulterCR allows the monitoring of flows in API mode.


The structure issuing flows varies according to the transmission mode :

  Flow sent through EDI

The structure that sends the flows is the one indicated in the connection form (it corresponds to a partner code).

  Flow deposited through API

The structure that sends the flow is the one on which the technical account has been declared.

  Flow deposited in portal mode

The structure that sends the flow is the one chosen by the user at the time of submission.

To use the flow tracking application on a structure, the main manager must go to the "Organisation" area, then to the "Users" area, then to the "Manage user permissions" application.

Select the structure. The user field is updated. Use the drop-down menu to select the user for whom you want to make changes to permissions.

The list of the user's profiles is displayed below automatically.

The manager can add a clearance by clicking on the "Add" button.

If the user does not have a particular profile, it is possible to add it. Select the profile "Follow-up of consultation flows" then click on "Add".

If the user already has the selected profile, the message in red "The user already has the selected subscription" appears. The page is then refreshed so that a profile can be selected again.

Flow monitoring management

From the home page of the Chorus Pro services portal, go to the "Connections" domain and click on the "Flow monitoring" application.

The Homepage tab is displayed by default. This tab allows you to view the existing feeds.

The flows are sorted by sender and by date of emission of the flow.

Statuts Comments
Received The flow has been received by Chorus Pro
Processed SE CPP The file has arrived in the Chorus Pro exchange system
Waiting for processing The flow is in waiting list
In progress The flow is being processed
Warning The flow is not processed by the exchange system, it will be necessary to run the flow completely
Rejected (*) The flow has been processed but is rejected due to anomalies.

2 types of rejection :

-Technical rejection (e.g. : incorrect XSD format, empty file, unpacked file)

-Business rejection (ex : duplicate invoice n°, incorrect service code in the invoice, ….)

Waiting of reprocessing The flow has been blocked and is waiting for manual processing
Integrated The flow has been processed and has totally been integrated into Chorus Pro.
Partially integrated For EDI flows configured as partial rejection as well as for flows deposited in API mode or via the portal : only invoices that have no anomalies are integrated.

(*) As primary manager or secondary manager, you have the possibility to view rejections of payment requests transmitted via flow (per structure) by clicking on the « Access to EDI rejects » button in the quick access toolbar of the logged-in homepage.

Click on the “Search” tab to access the search page of the “Data flow overview” area.


By default, the available “Search criteria” are as follows :

Please note : only incoming flows in Chorus Pro can be viewed in the “Data flow overview” area.

You can select the following fields :

  • Issuer : to choose the issuing structure of the incoming flow (relevant for users with access rights on several structures).
  • Current status : to filter by flow status amongst the following :
    • All statuses
    • En attente de retraitement (waiting for reprocessing)
    • En attente de traitement (waiting for processing)
    • En cours de traitement (processing)
    • Incidenté (warning)
    • Intégré (integrated)
    • Intégré partiel (partially integrated)
    • Rejeté (rejected)
    • Reçu (received)
    • Traité (processed SE CPP)
  • Data flow type : to filter by type of flow to be taken into account.
  • Deposit date : to filter on a deposit period of flow.


By clicking on the « Selection » field, then on the empty field on the right of the screen, it is possible to select in the list of proposed values, the requested flows.


The proposed flows in the list of values correspond to the type of flow previously selected in the data flow type field.

On the “Search” page, click on the + sign to access the “Advanced criteria”.


The use of “Advanced criteria” allows for more targeted searches. For example, the “Advanced criteria” offers the possibility of searching by Data flow number or Filename.


Click on Search to launch the flow search.


The Reset button allows you to delete the entries and to make a new search.

The search results are displayed at the bottom of the page; they can be exported by clicking on the Export results button.


  Click on the icon opposite to consult an integration report.

  Click on the icon opposite to download an integration report.

To download several reports, select the lines to be exported using the selection icon, then click on Download reports.

    Click on the icon in the search results to view an integration report.



The information in the Report section provides many details related to the flow and its integration. For example, in case of error, the message returned by Chorus Pro is included in the report.


The main information contained in the integration report is detailed below :

  • File name deposited
  • Flow timestamping
  • Processing result and flow status
  • Unitary integration status of documents
  • Detail of errors
  • Return flow generated by Chorus Pro

The necessary information to implement Chorus Pro interfaces are detailed in the external specifications.

Statuses can be transmitted by the integration report :

  • All flow invoices have been integrated (no intervention is required and invoices can be processed in Chorus Pro by recipient structures).
  • At least 1 invoice of the flow has not been integrated :
    • If the structure has configured complete rejection rules for this flow, the flow will be sent again entirely,
    • If the structure has configured partial rejection rules for this flow,  only erroneous invoices will be sent again.

Before sending again an erroneous flow, an analysis and correction of anomalies must be carried out in order to enable its proper integration.

Click on the dashboard tab to access the flow monitoring dashboard.

Enter a filter criteria from those available (e.g. : Issuer).


Click on the Show button to filter the displayed data flows.

Results are displayed at the bottom of the page


To view data flows by processing status (received, waiting for processing, in progress…) just click on the numbers in the status columns.

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Last Update: September 14, 2022  

5181    Data Flow Follow-up, Data Flow Follow-up., I Track My Flows, Justice Service Providers, Use Chorus Pro In EDI Mode, Use Chorus Pro In EDI Mode.    
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