

Chorus Pro service portal enables the transmission and validation of documents relating to the financial execution of works contracts.

All the documents constitute an invoicing file which breaks down as follows :



The issuer submits a document in Chorus Pro service portal. The following party receives it and then associates its own document.

Notifications enabling progress of the invoicing file to be tracked are sent regularly.

Each party has the opportunity to make an initial submission in the event of absence of another party in the process.

  • Existence of private and public structures in Chorus Pro service portal.
  • Creation and activation of a user account.
  • Authorization for users to access the "Works invoice" application.
  • Definition of a process for managing invoicing ducuments between parties.
  • Suppliers : primary contractors as well as subcontractors and joint contractors
  • Procject Manager (PMO),
  • Recipient : contracting authority or financial service, depending on the invoicing process put in place between parties.

The invoicing framework makes it possible to identify the parties and the documents submitted. For Project Managers, the following invoicing framework are available :

  • A15  Account statement submission
  • A16  Validated account statement submission
  • A17  Draft general statement submission
  • A18  General statement submission
  • A24  General and tacit final statement submission

To access the « Work Invoices » application from the Chorus Pro service portal, simply select the Billing domain on the « Home » page.

Then choose Access Service in the Work Invoices application.

The procedure for submitting a document in Chorus Pro service portal is done in 3 steps from the tab "Submbit" of the "Work invoicesapplication :


  • The document is an initial submission :
    • Go to the next step.
  • The document is an association (for the Project Manager, it is most often a submission of an account statement linked to a draft statement (monthly statement) usually submitted by the contracting party :
    • Open the previous document.
    • Click on "Select the next document of the invoice file".


  • The submission type
  • The invoicing framework
  • The issuer
  • The file to import


  • The references(A)
  • The amounts (B)
  • The recipient (C)
  • The VAT lines
  • The attachments



Documents that make up the invoicing file can be viewed by all parties in the "Work invoices" application of the solution.


  • The "Synthesis" tab centralizes all the documents of an invoicing file (A).
  • The "Search" tab allows you to narrow the search (B).

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Last Update: March 18, 2022  

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