The billing mandate is a mandatory prerequisite for creating invoices directly on Chorus Pro (it is not necessary in case of submitting invoices, sending or entering invoices related to legal costs). It is a contract by which a person, the principal, gives another person, the agent, the power to carry out one or more legal actions in his name and on his behalf.
As part of Chorus Pro, the billing mandate allows the State to issue dematerialized tax invoices on behalf of the supplier. Signing the mandate on line is offered in order to simplify the process.
How to underwrite a billing mandate ?
In the « billing » domain, click on « Underwrite a billing mandate » application.
- Click on the dropdown list to select your structure
- Complete the mandat’s name
The “Adress details” and “Signatory” sections are pre-filled with the information existing in Chorus Pro and are not editable.
Click on « Submit » button to validate.
From the home screen, click on « Issued invoices » area then on the « Input an invoice » tab in order to enter your invoice.
Entering an invoice in Chorus Pro follows the path below :
The recipient
- Specify if the recipient is the State.
- If not, click on « Search » and search for the recipient from his SIRET, Name, City or Zip Code.
- Check in the recipients directory if the entry of the service code is mandatory.
- Select the structure by clicking on the selection checkbox. Only a structure with an « Active » status can be invoiced.
- The fields « Corporate name » et « address » are filled automatically from the with information of the recipient SIRET recipient.
Invoices submitted to the State must necessarily mention a commitment reference and an operating service.
Private structures do not have the right to enter invoices on the FACTURES_PUBLIQUES (specific to inter-public invoicing).
The supplier
- Select the Corporate name :
The drop-down menu proposes all the structures to which the user account is connected. This is the structure on behalf of which the invoice is issued.
- Select the service :
The drop-down menu contains all the services set on the structure. This is an optional information.
- The ID, the address, the country and the RCS number :
Are automatically filled in from the structure sheet.
- Select the bank references* :
The drop-down menu lists the bank accounts registered on the structure form. A bank reference must be selected if the user’s bank account is different from the one communicated in the market. If you are using a factoring company, then select its bank details.
The invoicing framework makes it possible to identify the kind of document submitted as well as the profile of the responsible for the submission. This information is filled in for each document sent.
- A1 : A supplier or a representative submits an invoice to be paid or an asset (in Chorus Pro, the entry of an asset is identical to that of a payment request. Only the type of invoice differentiates them).
- A2 : A supplier or a representative submits an invoice already paid. This invoicing framework allows to send to a public recipient an invoice for an asset which does not lead to a financial or accounting transaction (settlement, creation of securities, treasury operation, disbursement, repayment, etc.).
Any invoice, asset, down payment or adjustment whose amount to pay is zero can be transmitted with this invoicing framework. - A9 : A subcontractor submits an invoice to be paid or an asset.
- A12 : A co-contractor submits an invoice to be paid or an asset.
Specific invoicing frameworks are also available for invoices in the framework of works contracts, justice cost invoices and ITC refunds requests.
Fill in :
- The currency (the value is by default in euro)
- The type of invoice (invoice or asset)
- Enter the type of VAT : in case of VAT reverse charge, choose the option « without VAT ».
Then, fill in :
- The contract number (optional)
- The commitment number (mandatory if requested by the public structure)
- In case of an asset, the original invoice number (optional)
- The Payment mode : by default, the value is "Transfer". If a asset is carried forward on the next invoice, select the “Delay" payment method.
Click on « Save » :
Beware : At this stage, the invoice is not sent yet; it changes to a « Draft » status and can be modified later.
5 new sections appear :
- Invoice line
- VAT summary
- Comment
- Total amounts
- Attachments
Click on Add an invoice line
Fill in the invoice information :
- Reference : code of the article or supply (informative and optional area).
- Denomination : name of the article or supply.
- Quantity : number of units invoiced.
- Unit : unit used for delivery.
- Unit tax-free amount : unit price (before tax) before discount per delivery unit.
- Tax-free discount amount : In case of a discount, the amount to be deducted from the invoice can be entered either at the invoice line level or at the level of the total amount of the invoice.
- VAT rate : to be indicated by the issuer of the invoice.
- The Tax-free amount after tax-free discount is automatically calculated according to the formula :[ ( Quantity ) * (unit tax-free amount) - (tax-free discount amount) ] * (1 + VAT rate)
- The « Tax included amount after tax-free discount » is automatically calculated by applying the VAT on the amount after tax-free discount.
Click on Validate and close or on Validate and add a new line.
Once the lines are created, the following table is updated :
For each invoice line, it is then possible to :
Edit it
Duplicate it (attachments associated with the line are not duplicated)
Add attachments to a particular invoice line (if the attachment isn’t related to a specific invoice line then it will be added to the invoice in the dedicated "Attachments" block, see Part 8)
Delete it
The user can delete all the lines whose boxes are checked, it will delete all the attached files as well.
In the VAT summary section, the table data is calculated automatically from the information entered in the invoice lines and one line per VAT rate is displayed.
In the Total amounts section, the tax-free amounts, VAT and total amounts before discount are automatically calculated from the information entered in the invoice lines.
- In case of discount, fill in the global tax included discount amount field and a reason.
- The tax included amount after discount field is also automatically filled from the tax included amount before amount and the global tax included discount amount.
- The amount to be paid is automatically pre-filled but remains editable.
If you select VAT exemption or without VAT, the lines of the VAT summary table and the amount to be paid will automatically update.
This section allows you to enter, if necessary, a free comment in order to :
- Give more details about the specific aspects of your invoice
- Complete your input with additional information that does not fit in the available fields.
Click on Add an attachment to add attachments as needed. Repeat for each attachment.
Common attachments can also be added from the My account area. Click to add an attachment to the invoice.
- Click on and select the attachment from your computer
- Fill in the field Designation with the name of the attachment.
- Select the type of document amongst those proposed in the drop-down list
Click the Add button to validate the input or Return to continue entering the invoice.
– The maximum allowed size of an attachment is 4 Mo.
Once back on the invoice, the Attachments section is completed :
1. For each attachment, the user can :
- Edit it
- Download it
- Delete it
2. It’s also possible to :
- Delete attachments whose selection box is checked.
- Download attachments whose selection box is checked.
- Add attachments.
Once you have added your attachments, you have several options :
- This action allows you to input a new blank invoice
- This action allows you to duplicate any information entered to create a new invoice
- This action saves the invoice without sending it
- This action changes the invoice to a "Draft" status and allows you to edit it later.
- This action sends the invoice to the recipient. No modification is possible.
When validating your entry, if certain mandatory fields are not filled in or if the data entered is incorrect, a message indicating the details of the errors appears in red at the top of the page.
Controls carried out by Chorus Pro
Chorus Pro provides 3 levels of control over invoicing data.
‒Flow consistency and security checks : For each received flow, antivirus and format controls are performed for both original invoicing data and attachments.
‒Data structure controls : For each type of flow, syntax and cardinality rules as well as data format are controlled when getting in the solution.
‒Data consistency checks :
If all important fields have been filled in, click on Validate and send. The window below is displayed :
Click on Confirm and send to submit the invoice. The following summarized invoice page is displayed :
The user can retrieve the invoice number (generated automatically by Chorus Pro) to facilitate the follow-up of his invoice thereafter.
Option : Export deposit certificate
The deposit certificate can be used as proof of sending the invoice. It summarizes the invoice number and the net amount to be paid.
When the execution of contracts in progress is concerned, public structures’s invoices issued against another public structure are concerned by the dematerialization obligation as from 1st January, 2017.
For the structures whose accounting is followed in Helios, the transmission of the notices of the amounts to be paid will be based on :
- The sending of a flow from Chorus Pro to Helios for all documents issued to the public sphere.
- The dematerialized sending by the accountant to Chorus Pro for documents addressed to public recipients.
For State services whose accounting is tracked in Chorus, collector vouchers will be sent directly to Chorus Pro after their issuance by the accountant.
For other public structures, the choice of issuing mode can be made in the same way as for the reception mode.
Correspondences between the portal and the style sheet
Issuer and recipient
Invoice lines and summary of amounts
Mapping table (1/3)
The table below summarizes the information provided on the style sheet according to the field filled in on the portal.
Only items that can be selected or entered on the portal, and not items automatically filled in by Chorus Pro, are displayed in the document below.
Fields filled in italics are the fields that do not always appear on the style sheet since they depend on optional information on Chorus Pro.
Mapping table (2/3)
Mapping table (3/3)
Last Update: March 18, 2022